Collect Globes & Explore More!

The World Reimagined is delighted to have 103 unique Globes across the 10 trails in our 7 host cities across the UK. How many will you be able to see between August and the end of October?
Sign up to The World Reimagined, and each time you discover a new globe, scan the QR code on the base to ‘collect it’.
Each month the trails are live (August, September & October), we will do a draw to give away 100 free copies of The World Reimagined book! Each Globe you collect is an ‘entry’. If you complete a trail, the number of entries multiplies!
The World Reimagined book will be published at the end of September. For those who are selected in the August draw, we will contact you to make sure you can receive it at the end of September.
We’ll announce more prizes soon!