Journey of Discovery Volunteers
The first Journey of Discovery collection has been brought together by a team of post-graduate student volunteers, who have brought such expertise and skill to the work. We are hugely indebted to them.
Anais Olivia N'Deko
Aniya Picou
Asha Joseph
Bryan Cortright
Catherine Ortega
Chantel Bennett
Emi Eleode
Emily Williams
Emily Sutcliffe
Emma Green
Leigha Renaud
Lucy MacAllister
Makiya Davis-Bramble
Marisa Hurtault
Nailah Roberts
Olivia Francis
Ophilia Decaille
Paige Ashton
Rica Robinson
Sarah Greaves
Sarah-Jayne Boyd
Sean Samad
Shanée Hercules
Stefani Trimceska
Tiwa Adebayo